Southwest Creations Celebrates Educational Milestones

Southwest Creations Collaborative recently hosted its annual picnic to celebrate educational milestones of families participating in our Buena Fe Working Families programs, including a 100 percent high school graduation rate. Graduating seniors, eighth and fifth graders, and parents engaged in adult education were honored. Some of the highlights include:

This year, 100 percent of our Buena Fe seniors, a total of 28 students, graduated from high school. Over the course of Southwest Creations’ history, we have achieved a 98 percent graduation rate for students participating in our Buena Fe programs.
Twenty-seven (96 percent) of our Buena Fe high school graduates were accepted to a university or college upon graduation from high school. Buena Fe students have actualized an 89 percent college attendance rate over the course of our history.
Nine Buena Fe youth experienced mild to severe academic difficulties this year, and although dropout is a common risk for students in this situation, all of these students sought support and stayed in school. Southwest Creations reports a one percent dropout rate for students who participate in our Buena Fe programs.